The Mighty Alchemist Refused To Share That His Knowledge Was False, So The Faeries Snuck In To His Study and Ruined His Potions. Acrylic on Canvas, 6’x4’, 2021
(detail) The Mighty Alchemist Refused To Share That His Knowledge Was False, So The Faeries Snuck In To His Study and Ruined His Potions. Acrylic on Canvas, 6’x4’, 2021
Steal Only As Much As You Need, Or Else You Will Ruin It For The Other Thieves. Acrylic on stretched canvas. Sculptamold, paper play, cardboard, wire form mesh. 6'x4'. 2021
I have no idea what the fuck is going on up there. Acrylic on canvas. Acrylic paint, sculpt-a-mold, styrofoam, 6’x3’, 2021.
A Gay Wizard Scrying Into a Crystal Ball. Paper clay, acrylic paint, phosphorescent pigment, styrofoam. 24"x18". 2020.
I Swallow Him Then He Swallows Me. Sculptamold, Acrylic paint, pvc construction foam.
Shield Composition Grouped as an Affinity. For My Pals. Acrylic on leftover wood. All 18.5"x22". 2020.
Shield for a loner. Acrylic on leftover wood. 18.5"x22". 2020.
Crawling on Bruised Knees. Graphite, paper, wood, paper clay, acrylic, confetti. 9"x12". 2021. From a dark day.
To Bend Like Wrought Iron. Graphite on Paper. 11"x14". 2020.
I walked the walls and not the labyrinth. 2018. Graphite on paper with acrylic, pumice, pebbles from back yard, and heat carving on wooden frame. 9x12.
I walked the walls and not the labyrinth. 2018. Graphite on paper with acrylic, pumice, pebbles from back yard, and heat carving on wooden frame. 9x12in.
I held your stinger close to me to remember that there were more bad times than good. 2018. Graphite on paper, acrylic, spray paint and phosphorescent pigment on wooden frame. 9x12in.
No title. 2018. Graphite on paper. Spray and acrylic paint, and enamel pin on wooden frame. 9x12in.
I kicked out like a horse when he forced himself inside. 2019. Graphite on paper. 9x12in.
I Keep Spelling Samuel Delaneys Name Wrong. 2020. Acrylic on Canvas
Does Anyone Else In Here Have A Crush on Sandor Katz. 2020. Acrylic on Canvas.